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Mommy of 3 Princesses
Hi all...My name is Tracey and I'm a SAHM to three beautiful girls..Stephanie, Kira and Savannah.I've been married to my bestest friend and best husband in the world Sandy for 10 years now... I live in PA and I've been doing PS for a while now. I enjoy making and creating tags, kits, etc. Thanks for visiting me and I hope you enjoy my creations!
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Thursday, October 27, 2011

MY VERY FIRST TUTORIAL!! Lord help all of yas...LOL LOL It's called Flirty


This is my very first tutorial so if it's confusing, I apologize up front.LOL.

Supplies used:
Template by Rose # 95 http://tagtemplatesandmore.blogspot.com/
Tube by Keith Garvey PSP Tube Emporium http://psptubesemporium.com/
FTU kit called Slave by Blue Dream Designs http://bluedreamdesigns.blogspot.com/
Mask by WSL #81. Sorry, don't know the link
Font used-Lobster two

You must have working knowledge of Photoshop. I use Photoshop CS5

Let's get Started

Open up template- Crop it larger so you can add your name etc...You can resize it when your done.
Delete credits and layers 10 and 12.

Open up Paper #3. Paste it into the larger rectangle. Merge
Open up paper #1 and paste it into the purple rectangles. Merge.
Paper #4 goes into the lighter Pink Circle. Paste and merge.
Paper #8 goes into the bigger cirle. Paste and merge.

Change the "Flirty Text" to white. Click ctrl and layer at the same time so the words are "dancing"
then take your paint brush size 50 switch your color to white and paint over.

Moving onto the tubes. Duplicate the body layer. The lower layer go to filter-blur-Gaussian
blur and set the radius to 6.0. The tube above set the layer to overlay. Merge and Drop shadow with
these settings

You should have something like this:


Drag the Close up tube onto the Pink layer resize it..copy and paste into the pink circle. Move it to
the left of circle. Repeat so you have another on the right. Merge them together and then duplicate.
Bottom layer, repeat the Gaussian blur from before. Top layer, change it to screen and set the opacity
to 52. Merge. Now, you should have something like this...


Now the fun part...putting the elements on.
Open up buckle 2 and resize to how you see fit. Place it right on the upper rectangle like I did. Drop
shadow with the same settings as before.
Open up flower 1 resize to how you see fit and place it on the very top of the bigger rectangle.
Open up flower 3 repeat and place it in the middle under the pink one.
Open up flower 2 repeat as with the others and place it under blue one. Merge them and Drop Shadow.

Open up ribbon 1 resize it and place it over big rectangle layer bottom left.

Open up pink rose 1. Place it low to the right. Open blue rose put it right next to the pink one.
Merge and drop shadow.

Open bow 2. Resize it and flip it so bow is up and place it under the flowers. Drop shadow.

Apply your mask under all the layers with paper # 2. Size it so it's kinda sticking out.

Add copyright info and name and then you are done!!! Ya hooo..Sorry if it was confusing but it is
my first tutorial.

Also, I resized my finished tag to 650-521 but you can resize it to however you want! Thanks so much
and I would love to see if you tried it!!!


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